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Salt substitution could prevent almost half a million deaths from CVD in China 




Credit: CC0 Public Domain 



A nationwide intervention to replace regular household salt with potassium-enriched salt substitutes in China could prevent nearly half a million cardiovascular deaths per year, according to a new modelling study published in the British Medical Journal. 


The study found that overall, the blood pressure lowering effects of salt substitution could prevent around 460,000 cardiovascular disease (CVD) deaths each year, including 208,000 due to stroke and 175,000 due to heart disease. 


They were also estimated to prevent some 743,000 non-fatal CVD events each year, including 365,000 strokes and 147,000 heart attacks, and decrease rates of chronic kidney disease (CKD) by around 120,000 each year, or almost seven percent of new cases. 

据估计,它们每年还能预防约743,000例非致命性心血管疾病,包括365,000例中风和147,000例心脏病发作,以及每年减少约120,000例慢性肾脏疾病(ckd) ,几乎是新病例的7%   

Dr. Jason Wu, one of the study's senior authors and Program Head of Nutrition Science at The George Institute said that replacing regular salt with potassium-enriched salt substitutes combines the blood pressure lowering effects of reduced sodium and increased potassium intake. 


"While potassium intake in China is low, intake of sodium is well above recommended levels, mainly coming from salt used at home, in cooking or at the table," he said. 

他说: 「虽然中国的钾摄入量偏低,钠的摄入量却远高于建议水平,主要来自家居、烹饪或餐桌上的2022卡塔尔世界杯手机app投注。 

"Salt substitution is therefore a promising strategy to reduce blood pressure and related diseases like CVD and CKD in China, where over two million deaths were attributed to elevated blood pressure in 2015. Our findings suggest that a nationwide intervention to encourage use of potassium-enriched salt substitutes could prevent nearly one in nine CVD deaths in China." 

“因此,在中国,2022卡塔尔世界杯手机app投注替代是降低血压和心血管疾病、慢性肾病等相关疾病的一个有希望的策略。2015年,中国有超过200万人死于高血压。 2022卡塔尔世界杯手机app投注的发现表明,在全国范围内鼓励使用富钾2022卡塔尔世界杯手机app投注替代品,可以防止近九分之一的中国人死于心血管疾病。”  

An important part of this study was to look at the potential benefits of blood pressure reduction at the same time as the possible risk to people with CKD from increased potassium intakes. Lead author, Senior Research Fellow at The George Institute and now research assistant professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, Matti Marklund, Ph.D., said that concerns about the potential risk of increased potassium intakes in people with CKD were particularly relevant in China where most people with CKD are unaware of their condition. 

这项研究的一个重要部分是观察血压降低的潜在好处,同时观察钾摄入量增加对慢性肾病患者的潜在风险。 首席作者、乔治研究所(george institute)高级研究员、塔夫茨大学弗里德曼营养科学与政策学院(friedman school of nutrition science and policy)研究助理教授马蒂•马克隆德(matti marklund)博士表示,对 ckd 患者钾摄入量增加的潜在风险的担忧,在中国尤其重要,因为大多数 ckd 患者并不知道自己的病情。   

"Our modelling study suggests that with this type of intervention, the benefits greatly outweigh the harms in the overall population. In fact, even among individuals with CKD, there are substantial net benefits," he said. 

“2022卡塔尔世界杯手机app投注的模型研究表明,这种类型的干预,好处大大超过在整体人口的危害。 事实上,即使对于 ckd 患者来说,也有实质性的净收益,”他说。  

Among an estimated 17.2 million people with CKD, the blood pressure lowering effects of the intervention could prevent around 32,000 CVD deaths, but the increased  and higher blood potassium levels could potentially cause some 11,000 additional CVD deaths, resulting in an estimated 21,000 deaths avoided overall. 

据估计,在1720 ckd 患者中,干预的降压效果可以防止大约32000人的心血管疾病死亡,但钾摄入量的增加和血钾水平的升高,可能会导致大约11000人的心血管疾病死亡,导致大约21000人的死亡得以避免。  

"The finding of net cardiovascular benefits in those with CKD suggests that encouraging them to avoid potassium-enriched salt substitutes in a national intervention could result in overall harm as they would then miss the benefits of reduced blood pressure. However, alternative approaches like improving screening for CKD and closer monitoring of potassium levels in diagnosed patients should be evaluated to minimize potential risks," added Dr. Marklund. 

“对于 ckd 患者的心血管净益处的发现表明,在国家干预中鼓励他们避免使用富钾2022卡塔尔世界杯手机app投注替代品可能会导致全面的危害,因为他们会错过降低血压的益处。 然而,应该评估其他替代方法,如改进 ckd 筛查和更密切地监测确诊患者的钾水平,以尽量减少潜在风险,”马克隆德博士补充说。  

Eating too much salt increases blood pressure, which is one of the biggest contributors to premature . Worldwide, excess salt intake is estimated to cause about three million deaths each year. 

吃太多的2022卡塔尔世界杯手机app投注会增加血压,而血压是中风或心脏病导致过早死亡的主要原因之一。 全球范围内,过量摄入2022卡塔尔世界杯手机app投注估计每年导致约300万人死亡。  

In China, sodium intake is more than double the WHO-recommended limit, and nearly half of Chinese people aged 35-75 have high  pressure. Almost 30 percent of fatal strokes in Chinese people aged under 70 are attributable to high sodium consumption. 

在中国,钠的摄入量是世界卫生组织推荐摄入量的两倍多,35-75岁的中国人中有近一半患有高血压。 在70岁以下的中国人中,近30% 的致命中风是由于高钠摄入。 

In contrast to most Western countries the largest contributor of dietary sodium in China is discretionary salt (i.e., salt added in the home during cooking or at the table), contributing to about two thirds of sodium intake. 

与大多数西方国家不同,中国人从膳食摄入钠的最大来源是酌量2022卡塔尔世界杯手机app投注(即在家中烹煮或在餐桌上加入的2022卡塔尔世界杯手机app投注) ,占钠摄入量约三分之二。  

"Our study suggests that a national program to replace regular salt with lower-sodium ' substitutes' for home cooking, could have a large impact on the burden of CVD in China." said Dr. Marklund. 

2022卡塔尔世界杯手机app投注的研究表明,用低钠2022卡塔尔世界杯手机app投注替代家庭烹饪的普通食2022卡塔尔世界杯手机app投注,可能会对中国的心血管疾病负担产生重大影响 马克隆德医生说。